I'm Lou aka your new number 1 fan. HIYA!
I'm a certified Self-Worth Coach and I'm super excited you've taken a step towards levelling yourself the F up. EEEEK.
My passion is self-worth. Until my dying day I will be telling anyone who will listen that they are worthy of the world, and they deserve every damn thing that they want. It’s not said enough or heard enough and I’m willing to take on sole responsibility of making sure that changes (dramatic but true, obvs).
I remember feeling like I wasn’t enough from as young as 12. I didn’t like the way I looked, I didn’t feel like I was smart enough, I didn’t feel like I could achieve things and it spiralled way out of control.
I lived a very dark, disconnected, and unhappy life for way too long.
As a result of all the above, I used mix of unhealthy coping mechanisms and eventually everything came to a head when I had what I can only describe as a bit of a breakdown when I was 24. That’s 12 years of feeling like shit, not knowing my worth and damaging myself.
My body and my brain gave up, I asked for help and 8 weeks later I started CBT therapy via the NHS and…
I completely changed my life.
I walked into that room diagnosed with severe anxiety and the biggest, blackest cloud hanging over me. I thought absolutely nothing of myself, yet I knew that this wasn’t it.
I knew there was more.
I threw myself into these sessions as if my life depended on it (because quite frankly, it did), I refused the medication they wanted me to take, and I decided I wanted to be better.
12 weeks later I walked out of that building as a completely different version of me, and that’s where it all began.
I'd found my spark, I knew there was more and for the first time in my life, I knew I was worthy. I took that feeling and I clung to it and from that point on I promised myself I would work on it.
I read books, I did courses, I changed habits, I spoke to myself differently, I ended relationships, I started new relationships and then ended them, I grew, I cried, I laughed, I committed, and I got to where I am now.
Fast forward a couple more years and I started working with my very own coach and I was AMAZED at how quickly and drastically I managed to change my life. I knew by this point I wanted to help people, to show people they don’t need to go through dark times for so long like I had, but I had never been sure how to do that.
After working with my coach and learning about the industry it was safe to say I’d found my life’s purpose.
Fast forward a bit more and here I am! A fully qualified self-worth coach, at your service! I’ve never felt so aligned and sure of anything before and the gratitude I feel to be able to work with people to unlock and uncover and dig deep into their self-worth and watch as it blossoms them into a higher version of themselves is just incredible.
I’m pinching myself on the daily!
I’m telling you all of this because my journey is so relevant to the work I’m doing now, and I want you to know why it means so much to me.
I went from believing I was only worthy of the bare minimum to having unconditional self-worth, love and knowing that I am capable and deserving of anything I want.
I want everyone to know they are capable of that too.